Friday, January 22, 2010

Math, math, math!

You probably think that I am about to give you a math lecture.  (Given the unit circle, to find sin(theta), wrap theta degrees (or radians or...) and find the y-value. sin(theta) is this y-value.)  My parents had me do math a lot!!!!!!!!!!!  How annoying is that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  Can't we talk about something else, like reading!?

Speaking of reading, there are many other Eat this, Not that! books.  (see my book review for Eat This, Not That! For Kids!)  Restaurant survival guide, supermarket survival guide, best and worst foods in america (WORST FOOD IN AMERICA: BASKIN-ROBIN'S CHOCOLATE OREO SHAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), kid's supermarket survival guide, etc.

I wish Pokémon was a school subject.  Unfortunately, it isn't.  Oh, well.  :(

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm......A Baskin Robbins chocolate oreo shake is sounding good right about now.....


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