Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today's another day!  What did you expect?

Anyway, I will be giving some of my goals in school:

Improve spanish speaking, listening, and grammar because I do need help with those,

Read a lot because I like to read,

Write because I need practice in writing skills (Not handriting, though.  here's doubleyou?  Note: that as a joke.)

This was inspired by Obama's speech to schoolchildren.  It basically said: set goals and don't quit.  I liked the speech.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you were inspired by President Obama's speech to set some goals. We all need goals in our lives. I think if we didn't have goals, we might tend to just veg out.

    Spanish is a good foreign language to study as it is used world wide for business and science, and you can watch so many shows on television which use written and oral Spanish.

    The Greats


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