Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Today, I will say that I am going to "Pokémon league," meaning that at some restaurant (with unhealthy food), I will be trading Pokémon cards and playing the Pokémon TCG (Trading Card Game.)  A very large range of ages, genders, and so on are there.  Even parents sometimes play!  During Recess, I was building decks.  I got some new cards for my birthday.  My party was last saturday (from the time I was typing this, 9/15/09.)  I am using the new cards to help build the decks.  Right now, I am grouping together my best cards of certain types.  I'm looking forward to using my decks tonight.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days is coming out soon!  It is the fourth book in the series.


  1. Hope you had fun today, Bat. Our son, Eric, is your age and he loves Diary of a Wimpy Kid also.


  2. hey Bat!!
    This is such a cool blog site - I loved feeding the fish and watching your youtube videos.
    I am going to show this to Joel - he was trying to log into your site, but we had the address slightly wrong, so it took a while to find it.
    i got to preview first1!
    Are you going to TKD sparring tonight? if so we'll see ys there.
    Say hi to your Mom for me, Mrs. Rebecca :)

  3. by the way, you can tell that I am useless at typing because now I have posted the comment, I can see loadsa typos. oh well!
    Mrs. Rebecca again.

  4. This is Bat here, the maker of this blog. Thanks for the comments! I increased the size of Fish and added another gadget, Alien Fish.


Mystic vs. Spike

Mystic vs. Coral

Mystic vs. Cluck Teaser

Mystic vs. Cluck